Disney Coloring Magic
《Disney Coloring Magic》 Ranked #1 in Kids and Education in over 89 countries.
Meet and play with the 100s of Disney and Pixar characters waiting for you! Bring your ideas and creativity to designing and coloring your favorite characters. Having finished your drawings, it’s time to apply your creativity with one of the many iconic 3D playsets, strategically placing your characters, and then telling your own stories! The cool part is mixing and matching characters from Disney, Pixar, and any of the available playsets to produce and direct stories that are only limited by your imagination!
Why stop there – hit “Share” to post your masterpieces and inspire and bring joy to friends and family!
Mom and Dad – did you know that coloring and drawing boost brain development, memory, and fine motor skills? Effective storytelling is a critical skill, both in school and at work. Disney Coloring Magic is an excellent way to help your child develop mastery.
Inspire your kids by asking them:
How would Queen Elsa look with a fire-red dress?
Would Simba look good with stripes like a zebra?
How about Toy Story’s Buzz and Woody wearing matching red tops?
How would Mickey Mouse look with spotty green ears?
What would Princess Aurora and Maleficent think if you swapped the color of their clothes?